Improve Your Rankings

SEO is often mentioned by many throughout the web & marketing industry but not many explain what it is, so what is it?

What is SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the optimisation of your website so that it ranks on Google and other search engines. The process of SEO will help you get organic traffic to your website if done correctly. If done correctly the benefits of SEO can be huge resulting in more organic traffic to your website and hopefully sales/bookings or leads however if done wrong, they can be catastrophic for your company resulting in minimal traffic and minimal conversions.

SEO Package Features

On Page

On-page optimisation to help get you noticed


Adding you to all the relevant Google services

Broken Link Fixes

Finding and fixing of your 404 pages & broken links


Site map creation to show the search engines where to go

Local Directories

Getting you listed in the local directories making you easier to find


Compressing of files to make your website faster


Track anything from traffic to conversions through sales

Mobile Optimised

Fully optimised for all devices helping you to rank well!

Our SEO Process

At Ignition Design we strive to make you and your business more accessible to everyone especially those in your chosen field. Our local SEO service will make sure that your get found in the areas that matter to you!

Our process is broken down into many different parts and phases.

First, we will give your website a full audit. Here our team will look at your website and how it performs. This will include looking at areas like sitemap and robots’ files, site speed check, 404/broken link checking, title tags, meta descriptions, mobile-friendly check and SSL certificates. These are all the technical aspects of a website that have an influence on your rankings.

After this we will look making sure your website is set up on google search console to make sure you can keep track of how your website is ranking for certain keywords, submitting sitemaps, finding our popular pages and check broken links. Our team will also make sure that you're all set up on google analytics, on here we can set up tracking for conversions and take a look at the amount of traffic that you are getting to your website.

Next, we will look into local listings and google places, this will including making sure that you are listed on all the places you need to be like local directories. If you don’t have it, we will also set you up with your own google my business page making sure you can be found easily in the local area as well as starting to gain google reviews from your customers.

Keyword research is next on the list, the title of this is pretty self-explanatory, our team will look at the keywords that you should and want to be ranking for an implement them into your website.

As well as keyword research, competitor research is also a very important part of the process. Using the latest technologies our services takes a look at your competitors and what they are ranking for, from here we can see what they are doing and see how we can improve on it.

Probably the most important part of the process is the link building process, our team will look at ways that we can get other websites linking to you. This will help build trust to your website hopefully creating a surge in rankings.

We also offer full bi-weekly or monthly reports to give you full visibility on your website and how it is performing.

Our strategy has been put in place to make sure that you rank in the areas that matter to you and your business!

Want to find out more?

Contact us today and begin your journey!